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These are the most common problems of people nowadays these red, tender bumps that contain white pus in them. This is the most common problem looks like a small problem but it is not like that it leaves a mark and due to one pimple on a person’s skin has to suffer from a lot of problems, the main reason behind the cause of the pimple is the oil’s overproduction on the skin with the contributing of the bacteria in the build-up phase.

The common parts of the person‘s body that effect by the pimple are as

  • The face of the person
  • The neck of the person
  • The chest of the person

The back, as well as the shoulders of the person, are also often affected by the pimple. There are different types of the pimple :

  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Papules
  • Pustules


Nodules, Cysts AND Acne Conglobata

The treatment of the pimple is many like there are many soups etc for pimples but which one is the most effective and can be complete trust one as every individual problem varies from one to another one’s that is why to look for other solutions when you can have the solution to your all skin problem at one place


Pankakarma treatment and therapy are not only effective on the pimple and other skin problem but it also have no side effect of the person as it is completely natural as it made and manufactured in such a natural way that it enables a person to recover for the skin problem within no time.

As the panchakarma always effect the mian cause and thr root of the problem

The therapy/ treatment given by the panchakarma for the pimples are as:

  • Swedana this treatment consists of the bath that is given with herbal steam .through this treatment the mental,physical as well as the emotional toxin that are stuck in the tissue are complete removed from the body.
  • Abhyanga it is a massage threapy that is done with the help of natural herbal oil that help in the improvment in the lymphatic as well as in arterial circulation , and removal of the waste from the the starved cells of the body .
  • Udvartana this is one of the most effective and importance treatment .This therapy includes the penetrates of the skin by removing a lymphatic toxins through lymphatic massage applied with help of natural herbal paste .

One of the biggest benefit of these panchakarma therapy or treatment that it does not only benefit you skin problem only it help in improving many other parts of your body too

It helps in the improvement of your digestive system

The one of the main reason of the pimple are the bad diet and bad eating habits , but through these treatments also effect the digestive system in the positive way as the panahakarma therapy by regulating and making the movements of your bowl

It also help in the reducing the stress and tiredness

These two are also reason for skin problemas through these treatments as it improves the nervous system and makes the person body and mind completely strong and fit.